Omios Oncolytic Virus (OV) platform leverages a biomarker to treat patients sooner and better
Omios' OVs target weaknesses in the innate immune response typical of cancer cells.
Deleting viral genes like D10 and E3L enhances selectivity, allowing the viruses to replicate only in cancer cells with impaired cell death programs, sparing healthy tissues.
Omios' innovative engineering maximizes the cancer-killing potential of viruses.

Systemic intravenous delivery
Omios’ OVs are designed to be safe and effective after systemic delivery, and target both primary tumors and distant metastases.
Unlike current oncolytic viruses requiring direct intratumoral injection, Omios’ OVs offer broader treatment for widespread disease.

Selectively target the tumor
Omios’ OVs, derived from vaccinia virus, specifically target tumor blood vessels, using them as entry points into the tumor mass.
Within tumors, Omios' technology ensures efficient viral replication to effectively destroy cancer cells.

Maximum lytic activity for a durable impact 
on cancer
Omios' OVs maximize destruction of mutated cancer cells, transforming the tumor environment and boosting therapies like immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs).
By replicating like natural viruses, they induce strong inflammation and cancer cell death, overcoming dose dilution and liver clearance after IV delivery.
Omios’ OVs also deliver therapeutic payloads to enhance their oncolytic effects.

Combination with standard of care
Omios’ OVs activate the immune system for powerful in-situ cancer vaccination, and enhance the effectiveness of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
They deliver therapeutic payloads that boost oncolytic activity and immune stimulation.
The platform can also deliver tumor neo-antigens for better antitumor vaccination.

No added toxicity
Omios’ OVs are cleared by the body’s immune system without overlapping with chemical therapy elimination pathways.
With no added toxicity, Omios’ OVs safely combine with all therapies, enhancing effectiveness and enabling lower, more tolerable doses.
Replication controlled by a biomarker in cancer cells
Omios's vaccinia virus platform targets specific cancer mutations, which act as a biomarker detectable at the time of diagnosis. Based on the presence and intensity of this biomarker, oncologists can design personalized treatment protocols using Omios' OVs, predict patient response, and ultimately improve efficacy while saving valuable time.
Transforming the treatment landscape
Omios Bio's technology platform represents a significant advancement in oncolytic virus immunotherapy. By combining systemic delivery, selective tumor targeting, maximal oncolytic activity and immunogenic cell death, Omios’ OVs has the potential to transform the treatment landscape for a wide range of solid tumors.